Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday, April 4, 2010

What a beautiful day! Happy Easter everyone!

After church and brunch, I went to work uncovering flowers and trimming bushes and raking, and then Jim came out and helped me get it all to the curb. Thank goodness he helped -- I am so sore now I don't know what I would have done without him. I'll put up pictures of some of the old friends I found under the leaves.


  1. Oh my goodness, aren't those flowers gorgeous! I'm trying to put a name on the 3rd photo - the one where it's just leaves yet. Makes it all worthwhile, doesn't it - the sore bones I mean! Spring has sprung!

  2. Daffodil, bloodroot, Dutchman's britches

  3. I {heart} that 2nd one...bloodroot. I am going to have to have to see if I can find me some of that! Thanks for sharing, Becky! :O)

